
《One Tin Soldier》和《鴛鴦刀》

 有一首歌,我從小就常常聽,叫作《One Tin Soldier》。這首是上世紀60年代的反戰歌,由加拿大五人民歌樂隊The Original Caste所演唱,不過創作人Dennis Lambertand和Brian Potter都是美國人。

這首歌初登時沒沒無聞,1971年,由於電影《Billy Jack》把它拿來作為主題曲,因而紅了好一陣子,不過歌者改了為美國樂隊Coven的主音歌手Esther "Jinx" Dawson,我聽的就是她唱的版本。她唱得比原來版本慷概激昂得多了。

《Billy Jack》是由Tom Laughlin拍的電影系列,一共拍了四部,是低成本獨立電影,卻有幾十倍的票房收入。Billy Jack是個印第安裔的退役軍人,是一部反建制的……嗯,我不知講現代背景的究竟算不算是牛仔片。

蒲沢直樹有一套漫畫叫《Billy Bat》,我看了頭幾集,初期覺得很吸引,後來覺得故事有點失控,便沒追下去了。我不知它和《Billy Jack》有沒關係。

《One Tin Soldier》的歌詞是:

Listen, children, to a story

That was written long ago

'Bout a kingdom on a mountain

And the valley-folk below

On the mountain was a treasure

Buried deep beneath the stone

And the valley-people swore

They'd have it for their very own

Go ahead and hate your neighbor

Go ahead and cheat a friend

Do it in the name of heaven

You can justify it in the end

There won't be any trumpets blowing

Come the judgment day

On the bloody morning after

One tin soldier rides away

So the people of the valley

Sent a message up the hill

Asking for the buried treasure

Tons of gold for which they'd kill

It came an answer from the mountain

With our brothers we will share

All the secrets of our mountain

All the riches buried there

Now the valley cried with anger

"Mount your horses! Draw your sword!"

And they killed the mountain-people

So they won their just reward

Now they stood beside the treasure

On the mountain, dark and red

Turned the stone and looked beneath it

"Peace on Earth" was all it said




我一直懷疑《鴛鴦刀》的故事靈感來自《One Tin Soldier》,畢竟,金庸的小說內容得力於西方文化甚多,例如《連城訣》和大仲馬的《基度山恩仇記》和《黑色的鬱金香》,《倚天屠龍記》裏謝遜和張翠山、殷素素在海上的故事和Jack London的《The Sea Wolf》。

後來我才發現,《鴛鴦刀》早在1961年寫成,在《One Tin Soldier》之前。它是為拍電影而寫,由峨嵋電影公司製作,李亨編劇、李化導演、周聰、林鳳主演。





