
《第二十條》和Leo Frank案

張藝謀的電影《第二十條》,令我想起了美國的Leo Frank。這位仁兄出生於1884年,是一位猶太人,是喬治亞州一位鉛筆廠的負責人,1913年,被控謀殺13歲的白人少女Mary Phagan。猶太社會為他花了2,500萬美元,你沒看錯,是當年的2,500萬美元來打官司,但也打輸了,被判死刑,後來獲州長赦為終身監禁。後來,憤怒的群眾把他從監獄揪出來,吊死了。

這案件另有一位疑犯,是黑人Jim Conley,是鉛筆廠的清潔工,也是他首先發現屍體,而且在現場還有一張他親筆寫的紙條,寫有一些令人懷疑他是凶手的曖昧文字。他後來的證供說,文字是Leo Frank指使他寫的,而凶案現場是在Leo Frank的辦公室,他被命令把屍體搬到地下室。

至於Leo Frank,最不利的證供,是有超過20位女工,指出他曾有性搔擾過她們。

這案件令到猶太人成立了「反誹謗聯盟」(Anti-Defamation League),這是一個世界性組織,目的是「負責對抗反猶太主義,封鎖反猶太人的不當言論,以維護猶太人的公民權利。」

由於有人認為,黑人Jim Conley才是真正的凶手,所以當時本來已稍為沉寂的3K黨,也復甦了好一陣子。

至於Leo Frank,已被猶太人被封為(私刑)殉道者的象徵。在他死去的地方,立了一塊黑碑,寫著﹕「Leo Frank Lynching. Near this location on August 17, 1915, Leo M. Frank, the Jewish superintendent of the National Pencil Company in Atlanta, was lynched for the murder of thirteen-year-old Mary Phagan, a factory employee. A highly controversial trial fueled by societal tensions and anti-Semitism resulted in a guilty verdict in 1913. After Governor John M. Slaton commuted his sentence from death to life in prison, Frank was kidnapped from the state prison in Milledgeville and taken to Phagan's hometown of Marietta where he was hanged before a local crowd. Without addressing guilt or innocence, and in recognition of the state's failure to either protect Frank or bring his killers to justice, he was granted a posthumous pardon in 1986. 2007.2 Erected by the Georgia Historical Society, the Jewish American Society for Historical Preservation, and Temple Kol Emeth 33-1.」






